Comet C/2004Q2 Machholz animations

Here are presented animations created to clarify the phoenomena and the morphology observed in the inner coma.

Animation 1:
This animation show a complete simulation of the geometrical appareance of the nucleus of comet Machholz from December 12, 2004
to March 28, 2005.
A cometocentric grid of longitudes and latitudes is depicted on the nucleus; the direction of the pole is marqued.
The pole orientation is directed at RA=95° and Dec.=35°.
The dimensions of the nucleus are in scale with the distance of the comet from the Earth.
North is up.

Animation 2:
Here are shown images taken at the date right bottom spaced with simulations of the geometrical appareance
of the nucleus at the same date.
The images are taken with the same instrument (SAS Cassegrain 0.4m, f=2.73m) and the same CCD camera (Hi-SIS43ME,
with sensor Kodak KAF-1603me, pixels dimension 9x9 microns).
The pole orientation of the simulations is directed at RA=95° and Dec.=35°.
North is up.

Animation 3:
Movie of the comet C/2004Q2 (Machholz) created with images spanning 40 minutes at January 15, 2005.
Reflector 0.15m, f=0.75m; CCD camera: Hi-SIS43ME.
North is up.

Animation 4:
The images obtained from January 1 to 6, 2005 were processed by means of the radial de-trending technique,
and then rotated to keep the direction of the rotation axis of the comet fixed.
They were then phased to a period of 17.7 h, and assembled to obtain an animation of the outflow
of material from the nucleus. Since the images were not taken on the same day,
the outflow of material is only demonstrative of the spiral dust motion in the inner coma.
North is up.

Animation 5:
Larson-Sekanina treatments of images taken at January 13, 2005 from 19h UT to 20h30m UT were assembled to show
the motion of the dusts in the inner coma, dues to an outflow of material from the nucleus.
The emitting activity modulated by the rotation of the active source located at a latitude of 45°±5°
can be observed in images processed to increase as much as possible the faintest features on the jets.
The images were taken at SAS, Stazione Astronomica di Sozzago IAU A12, Cassegrain reflector 0.4m, f=2.73m equipped with an Hi-SIS43ME CCD camera
(sensor Kodak KAF-1603me, pixels dimension 9x9 microns).
North is up.

Animation 6:
The same treatment as in Animation 5. Images taken at January 14, 2005 from 21h UT to 02h UT.
The images were taken at Osservatorio di Tradate IAU B13, Simak reflector 0.25m, f=1.60m equipped with an Hi-SIS43ME CCD camera
(sensor Kodak KAF-1603me, pixels dimension 9x9 microns).
North is down.

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