La circolare IAUC 6463

Riportiamo una parte di una circolare dell' INTERNATIONAL ASTRONOMICAL UNION dove viene citato il lavoro svolto dal GAT sulla cometa Hale-Bopp, e dove viene battezzata "Porcospino", su consiglio del GAT (vedi "Lo studio dei getti"), a causa dei getti rettilinei (o aculei?) provenienti dal nucleo della cometa.

F. Manzini, C. Guaita and F. Crippa write that CCD images obtained with the 0.33-m reflector at the SAS Observatory, near Milan, show jets near p.a. 40, 145 and 270 deg to be very faint on May 28 but almost as bright as the main tail by July 31, with further brightening and the development of several secondary jets by Aug. 16; in view of the numerous linear spikes extending 10-15 arcsec from the nucleus and having little tendency to bend they remark that the comet resembles a porcupine.

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